Episode 10: Is Anxiety Sin? How Should Christians Respond?

Ordinary Radicals
Ordinary Radicals
Episode 10: Is Anxiety Sin? How Should Christians Respond?

In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner speaks on an unspoken subject of anxiety in the Christian life.

It seems like so many young teenagers fight with anxiety these days. How could we deal with our anxiety? Where does anxiety come from?

Some highlights from today’s episode;

  • “By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” – Charles Spurgeon
  •  The longer I’m in ministry it seems like anxiety seems to be more prevalent in ministry.

  •  We are not saying, “Let Go and let God” everything in life as everything is fine and dandy in life.
  • Anxiety when it gets all negative, then you are in the sinful side. You are in a sense not trusting God and it controls your life.
  • Just because you’re Christian it doesn’t mean that you won’t face any difficulty in life. It doesn’t mean you will only have peace, peace, peace in your life.
  • The gospel doesn’t say God will only give you comfort, prosperity, protection and preservation. We just don’t find that anywhere in the Bible.

  • Anxiety = Emotions having control over us and Lord over us.
  • As people, we question our insecurity in God (foundation in Christ) that turns to anxiety.
  • The fruit of your life reveals the root of your heart.
  • You can change all your actions and you want, if you don’t change the thoughts and heart, it just won’t work. That will change the outside.
  • The Christian life is often about dethroning yourself from your own life.

  • Anxiety and fear are the both side of the same coin. Those stem out of “Worry”.
  • Prayer is the cure to worry and solution to our anxiety.
  • Don’t make prayer your last chance, make prayer your first choice.


Here are the four fundamental questions to raise and ponder on the doctrine of the Church as we look into the scriptures on this very topic;

1. What is Anxiety?   

  • “Come to, all those who are weary and burden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28-30).
  • Anxiety is the number one prescribed issue by secular psychologist / counselors.
  • Anxiety could be in medical terms the following
    1. Insomnia,
    2. Erratic heartbeat,
    3. Panic attack
    4. Fear of losing control,
  • Disclaimer
    1. Not professional state license counselors.
    2. Not stress free from all of life.
    3. Not all anxiety is bad. Some could be healthy.
  • Anxiety vs. Concern? Biblical Examples.
    1. Negative: “Do not be anxious for nothing” (Phil 4:7).
    2. Positive: “But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you.” (Phil 2:19)
  • Anxiety also can be interchangeable with “fear”.
  • Emotions are great indicator but ought not be our dictator.

2. Where does Anxiety Come From?  

  • World without sin? Where no one was sad, and nothing was bad (Genesis 2:4-24).
  • Anxiety is the fallen nature of sin that has been corrupted (Genesis 3:1-24).
  • “The seed of Adam” The death through Adam (Rom 5:12-21).
  • Security is lied within the foundation of God. Turn away? You’re in anxiety.
  • Biblical terms for anxiety/fear
    1. Craving of the heart (Idolatry)
    2. Self-gratification (Vertical vs. Horizontal connection)
    3. Fear of men (Ed Welch: People are big, God is small).
  • The inner man within the heart of man (Matt 15:19).
    1. Example: Panic attack? Not behavioral modification to not get to the heart of the problem. What is the core issue here?
  • Decision making point: Choose God? Or choose Self?
  • True Transformation: Change of Action? No, change of thought and the heart.
  • “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20).
  • Prayer? “Help me in my life.” There is an ownership there. No, it is Christ’s life.
    1. Worry = Anxiety + Fear.
    2. How to conquer worry? Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    3. Shift the burden of life: “I am going to take control over this life.” Self-sovereignty.
    4. Acknowledgement of saying, “God I don’t need you in my life. I got this”
  • Anxiety can be multiplied by your own experience and circumstance.
    1. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, I will not fear.” (Psalm 46:1-2).
    2. Your circumstance can contribute to anxiety but is not the cause of anxiety.
    3. “Cast your anxiety unto Him because He cares for you.” (1 Pet 5:8).
  • As Christians, we are placing our identity/position in Jesus by grace through faith.
  • “Count it all job, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” (James 1:2).
  • “Suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope.” (Rom 5:3-4).

3. How Should Christians Respond to Anxiety?

  • How do you personally deal with anxiety?
    1. Naturally, we want to take the fleshly desire, “I will take care of this.”
    2. “Prayer and supplication make your request known to God” (Phil 4:6-7).
      1. Worry about nothing (v. 6).
      2. Pray about everything (v. 6).
      3. Expect God’s peace (v. 7).
    3. “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil 4:4).
  • Peace beyond understanding: “Rest for your soul” (Matt 11:28).
  • “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” (Hymn by Joseph M. Scrivven, 1855).
  • “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercy never comes to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam 3:22-23).
  • Community of Believer
    1. Seclusion within every person: “I’m the only one who is experiencing.”
    2. “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.” (Prov 12:25).
    3. The means of grace: Scripture (Bible), Confession (Prayer), Communion of the saints (Church).
    4. Sometimes the things that troubles us most, we talk to God the LEAST.
  • Satan’s intent, “Steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10).
  • Find a Titus 2 person: Older men & older women (Titus 2:2-5).


Resources mentioned in today’s podcast



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