This Life is All About Jesus
Jesus gave everything for our sin out of his human state.
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
“Ordinary Radicals: A Return to Christ-Centered Discipleship” unfolds, with honest open-heart questions, how we think about the gospel in our lives. The gospel you believe, determines the disciple you make. Radical discipleship is about nothing more and nothing less than laying bare the roots of the gospel.
Jesus gave everything for our sin out of his human state.
Pastor’s confession. I feel drained and discouraged.
The issue of “fear of man” became my main focus rather than “fear of God” (Prov 1:7). In other words, as Ed Welch said it well, people became big, and God became small.
I am thankful for little things, such as brothers in this church planter’s cohort that I am part of, as I journey through prayer and encouragement through God’s Word. Wouldn’t be here if it were not for these fellow pastors in this mission work!
Someone may say, “Don’t we have plenty of churches already? Why church planting?” Here are five reasons we believe in planting a church right here and right now.
Though pastoring is tough, the secret to endurance in pastoral ministry is the joys in ministry. Even in the darkest night of pastoral ministry, the joy of ministry always trumps over the hardship.
Sola Church exists to Know Him and make Him known (Mark 16:15).
As Christians, suicide is seen in a very different light. Shikishima’s belief is tied to his behavior, and he says, “That monster (Godzilla) will never forgive us”
Life isn’t easy, is it? The holiday season comes to an end, the credit card debt needs to be followed up, often, these are times when counseling and financial consultation are most acquired based on statistics and census reports. We may be able to retreat from the battle for a little while, but life is full of complex situations that
“The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this….” – C.S. Lewis
Praying for the country of the rising sun to become one day known as the country of the Risen Son!
I believe without the doctrine of the church; Christians could not possibly exist.
Evangelica Sola is a christian blog that incorporates a comprehensive look at doctrinal theology, christian living and the church’s disciple making mandate. Click the above photo to learn more on the About page. Also, follow me on my social media channels or contact me directly. I’d love to hear from you!
Trusting God in the twist and turns in the “unexpected moments”
People are not human doing, but people are human being.
What do you do when you find “pride” in your pastor? How would you feel when you find out your “lead pastor” is maybe a control freak?
Jonathan has years of experience coupled with a passion and love for teaching God’s word. Visit the Speaking page to learn more and inquire about Jonathan speaking at your event.
Jonathan’s been honored to be a guest on multiple podcasts and radio broadcasts as well as contribute articles to numerous publications.