Episode 17: RACISM • JESUS • ME

Ordinary Radicals
Ordinary Radicals
Episode 17: RACISM • JESUS • ME

In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner speak on a heavy heart wrenching topic of racism in America.

Is there truly such a thing as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race? How did Jesus respond to different race based on different belief? How should I respond against people who show superior towards certain racial groups?


Some highlights from today’s episode;

  • What we need right now is more conversations on this topic of racism and prejudice. We need to get rid of the stigma that says, “Let’s not talk about that.” Idea.
  • The sin of willful ignorance. Now, ignorance is not necessarily a put down. It simply means, you just don’t know.

  • Most white people will never dare to get in a black man’s shoes. Most white people are willing to jus be ignorant.
  • Most white people don’t have a close friend that’s just not white. That’s reality and that’s sad. Therefore, we allow segregation in our lives, country, and our legal system.

  • As America, we have a huge log sticking out of our eye in the area of racism.
  • There is this notion, “Black people are guilty until prove as innocent” in our country. When did we stop seeing people as created in the image of God? Why see them as criminals?
  • “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  • “Every person bears the divine image so when anyone is injured the heart of God is wounded.” – John Calvin
  • I like the word unity and diversity. We are united yet so very different and colorful, like heaven. It is a concept of heaven on earth.
  • “Daddy, show me how to love people who will not love me.”
  • Jesus doesn’t just see people from afar in a distance and preach love. He incarnates the love of God and comes in close proximity.

  • I go back to the Word of God. I look back to the image of God. I go back to the actions of Jesus. I want to be like Jesus.
  • “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.



Here’s an outline from today’s conversation;

1. Story: Conversation with his son Isaac, “Son, you can’t go on a jog in the evening.”

Ahmaud Arbery: Feb 23rd (Georgia)

– Breonna Taylor: March 13th (Kentucky)

– George Floyd: March 25th (Minneapolis)

– Everywhere we look, there seems to be post on this particular issue.


2. Death of George Floyd

– Mission Trip: “I don’t see any color!”

– “Black Lives Matter” vs. “All Lives Matter”

– Serve in the north side of inner-city urban ministry.

– The sinful ignorance of many white people. Ignorance = do not know.

– Some say, “Racism is not the issue!” Ultimately, racism a gospel issue and is a sin issue.


3. Racism is simply plain wrong.

– Creation: Adam and Eve were ethnic groups (Gen 1:27 – 2:24).

– The Tower of Babel: Language divided and scattered (Gen 11:1-32).

– White Supremacy: Racial discrimination against black minority (America: 1700 – 1800s)

– Arian-race with Nazi Germany led by Adolf Hitler (WW2: 1931 – 1945)

– “Do you not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (Matt 7:3-5)

– “I wonder what was the reason that led the police officer to… etc” WHAT?!!

– Inward Prejudice / Bias: All people have the pre-conceived pre-supposition of race.

– All people are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).

– “To love people, we must first admit that we don’t.” Trillia Newbell

– Asian police officer committed the sin of omission (Rom 7:19).

– “Learn to do good; seek justice, cored oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.” (Isa 1:17).

– Jesus and the Woman of Samaria: Grew up in a multi-ethnic culture (John 4:1-54).


4. Practical Advice and Words of Encouragement

– Sit down and just listen to people.

– Romans 13:1-2 vs. Acts 5:29: We must listen to God rather than man.

– White people can turn off the news and move on. That’s not the case for black people.

– The Parable of the Good Samaritan: “Who is my neighbor” (Luke 10:25-37).

– Jesus doesn’t only want us to know the narrative. He enters into our narrative (Phil 2:1-11).

– The distinction between protestors & rioters.

– Don’t express, don’t suppress, don’t regress but confess to the Lord (Phil 4:6-7).

– “Weep with those who weep” (Rom 12:15-18).

– To see unity in churches, racism be ended, and have heaven down on earth.

– The Great Commandment: Love our neighbor (Matt 22:34-40).

– Be rooted and grounded in God’s Love: “For God so loved….” (John 3:16).

– “Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger” (Jam 1:9).



Resources mentioned in today’s podcast



If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at jonathanhayashi.com.


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Ordinary Radicals Podcast is a member of the HNR.GD Network

3 thoughts on “Episode 17: RACISM • JESUS • ME”

  1. Jonathan, I had the chance to hear you preach earlier this year in Springfield. I have listened to other episodes of your podcast and have generally appreciated your viewpoints. On this topic, however, I was greatly disappointed. You and your co-host use the wrong framework to evaluate the very serious issue of racism in America. Your starting point should be the Gospel. Instead, your starting point is social justice. For reference for where I’m coming from, here is an example of a conversation about this topic that has a Gospel-oriented approach. https://thebarpodcast.com/JT/index.php/2020/06/01/george-floyd-and-the-gospel/

    • @Cliff it is great to hear from you. I still remember our conversation we had and praise God for that enriching time of fellowship.

      I cannot speak for my friend Dr. Boatner, but here’s my perspective and approach to the comment above.

      As mentioned in the middle of the podcast as John Calvin the Reformer said, “Every person bears the divine image so when anyone is injured the heart of God is wounded.” All people are created in the image of God, which bear the divine image. Scripture stands for the equality and dignity of all people; both male and female, of all ethnicities, colors and ages are sacred beings that God values and loves.

      I stand on the sole authority and unashamedly proclaim that Christians stand on the infallibility, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Scripture. Scripture clearly says that Christians must treat others and love others as our selves.

      BFM 2000 Article XV says, “In the spirit of Christ, Christians should oppose racism,” and “We should speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.”

      As Christians, the senseless death of George Floyd cannot keep us silent. I believe as Christians we must stand for fellow image bearers of God and to commit to eradicate racism.

      Therefore, I do believe Black Lives Matter. That doesn’t mean we embrace the movement, but affirm the statement. That statement was birthed out of Marxist ideology that seeks to revolutionize our culture and society, which there is no hope outside of the gospel. We do not tread water on Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality hoping it will solve the problem that was there. As mentioned in the podcast, “racism is sin” sin problem can only be dealt with gospel solution. The Black Lives Matter movement cannot and will not bring a true-lasting justice on this side of eternity. Why? For radically misunderstands human nature of Genesis 3, only bring more chaos to the fallen world equation. BLM revolutionary can only bring the destructive agenda that is completely antithetical to a biblical worldview. We need the spirit of Christ to bring a biblical justice, because mere speculation will not bring true transforming work.

      Why? For all Christians stand for the sanctity of human life, but we must also be known to stand for the dignity of all human life regardless of the color of skin. For the gospel of Jesus Christ is for any color, any race, any background, any creed, any socio-economic status, with the Spirit of God by be wielding the Word of God for the ministry of God and for the glory of God.

      • Thank You for your reply. I heard too much identity politics in your podcast episode whether intended or not. This turbulent time in America is a wonderful opportunity for the church to point people to Christ. He is the One who justifies. He is the One who we look to for our identity. He makes all things new. If we do not have Him as our focus we are doing a disservice to our neighbors.


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