In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner speak on the topic of the disciplines of an effective leader.
What makes one more effective leader than the other? Or in other words, what makes one a good leader and a bad leader?
Leadership can be confusing and difficult in the day-in-age we live in. Here are some helpful effective disciplines leaders can be aware of to lead effectively.
Some highlights from today’s episode;
• Our mission is quite simple. To know Christ and to make Him known amongst the nation.
• Whatever oversight God has given you; you are in a leadership role.
• Whenever there is a leadership issue, it is often a character issue.
• What people perceive in and think of you is often a flow of something in the person.
• Pastoral ministry is not what I do, it is who I am.
• A good and effective leader often has a different perspective in general in life.
• Leaders can be effective by giving room and not pidgin-holding in a box and limiting others.
• Negative people destroy entrepreneur leadership and innovation of individuals.
• No-no-no leaders kill the passion, joy, charisma, and enthusiasm of the team.
• Leader without followers is no longer a leader anymore. Just taking a walk in the park.
• Leadership is like a funnel to make them strong leaders to effectively lead others.
• Contrary to Matthew 6:33, poor leaders seek their kingdom and own righteousness.
• Work out is exhausting, but it is the most exhilarating experience. Leadership is the same idea.
• “It is doubtful that God can use anyone greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” – A.W. Tozer
• Don’t join a perfect church cause when you do, you will ruin that church.
Here’s the breakdown outline from today’s conversation;
1. The Tale of Two Leaders: What Makes a Good Leader Versus a Bad Leader?
– Tale one: Highly effective communicator, yet an authoritarian, tyrant, and diminisher leader.
– Tale two: Very average communicator, yet a grace-filled and Christ-like leader.
– What makes one pastor/leader more effective than the other one? IQ? Preaching?
– Leaders come from different backgrounds and not necessarily always from upfront.
– All the qualifications of overseer 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5 deal with character issues.
– Leadership is not a position or organizational chart. For leadership overflows who they are.
2. Flourishing Under an Effective Leader versus Being Suppressed Under Another Leader.
– The sense of feeling pressed under the thumb by one as being watched over the entire time.
– An effective leader perceives: “You’re smart enough to figure this out.”
– A poor leader’s perspective: “You are a fool. I know better. My way or the highway.”
– A toxic dangerous leader so often doesn’t last a long time.
– Example: Children’s leader says, “No, no, no. You have no idea.” Downer mentality.
– Leaders that suppress other people’s thoughts and ideas diminishes other people.
3. Bad Leaders are So Often are Micromanagers and are Tyrants.
– Bad leaders not only get fired at the end but lose followers until he is the only one left.
– Leadership sometimes can be confused as a ladder to climb up.
– One is helping to become an effective leader versus the other beats you by work-based.
4. Poor Leaders are Self-Centered and interested in Building their Own Kingdom.
– The ultimate goal of a poor leader is to build an empire for self to be glorified.
– These leaders are not able to release people to the greater good. They are hoarders at best.
– Empowerment, encouragement, and equipping people is the way of good leadership.
– Great leaders who train people are magnetics and attract great potential leaders.
– Good leaders are willing to pour into people because there is an eternal impact for the kingdom.
5. Good Leaders Are Often Good Listeners.
– Tyrant leaders create a stressful tense environment to work with.
– Leader to follower relationship eventually diminishes. A leader to leader creates momentum.
– Good listeners can ask great questions. Tyrant leaders instead command and tell others.
– Servant leadership shows that you’re not above people. Leadership is modeling.
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast
• Multiplier: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
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