In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner speaks on the topic of the importance of church attendance.
Maybe you’ve heard statements such as the following,
- “I know you go to church, and I love Jesus, but I don’t go to church!”
- “I’m a real good Christian without going to church.”
- “I don’t need to go to church to be a Christian!”
- “I love Jesus, but not the church. So, I ditched the church.”
- “If I never enjoy Sunday church services, should I still continue to go?”
Have you heard statement made by Christians?
So, I guess the real question is like mentioned above; is regular church attendance for Christians? Should it even be a topic to be covered on the podcast?
Some highlights from today’s episode;
- There’s nothing as beautiful as the church, but there’s nothing as hurtful as the church.
- The context of understanding of the church falls in roles, relationship and reasonability according to Acts 2:42.
“I’m a Christian and I don’t belong to a Church.” I don’t think anywhere in the NT we find such a statement. It’s an oxymoron.
- Majority of the time we see the church mentioned in the bible, it’s the little “c” local church rather than the big “C” universal church.
- Virtual Church? Here’s an issue with this whole idea. We’re trying to make it easier, easier and easier to come to Christ, but there’s no buy in!
- Jesus says, “Foxes have holes, but the Son of Man does not have a place to lay his head.” How do we preach that and listen from our comfy pillow?
“Why can’t I just listen to Francis Chan online?” Well Francis Chan doesn’t know your heart. He is not shepherding your heart.
- The idea of the church has been really influenced from the world rather than by the Word.
The whole idea of post-modern individualistic consumer mentality culture of, “I can have one-on-one with Jesus without the local church in corporate worship” is blatant sin.
- This consumer mentality culture has saturated every aspect of our churches.
- The reality is this; the church needs you and you really need the church.
- Truth without love can destroy it’s person by its brutality. Love without truth can destroy it’s person by its sentimentality.
- Church: step out in obedience and do as an act of worship and God is going to receive glory. Do it for Him, not for yourself, not for neighbor, not for your mom.
Here are the four fundamental questions to raise and ponder on the doctrine of the Church as we look into the scriptures on this very topic;
1. Why Is It Personally Important?
- Counsel the One Another (Hebrews 10:24-25).
2. What Is a Church? (Acts 2:42)
- 1) Preaching
- 2) Fellowship
- 3) Breaking Bread
- 4) Prayer
3. What Is the Ministry of the Church? How Do People Fit In?
4. Is It a Gospel Based Church? Moving Away from Consumerism?
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast
- Crazy Love Ministry: Francis Chan
- Real Life Discipleship: Jim Putman
- 9 Marks of a Healthy Church: Mark Dever
- Plant Midwest
- The Majesty’s Men
If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at jonathanhayashi.com.
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