In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi, and Brandon Boatner about what it means to trust God in even hard times.
Here’s a discussion on from two pastors on the topic of Trusting God in your path.
Some highlights from today’s episode.
- If the younger self walked into the older self now, how surprise would he be?
- God has been in the work over the years. I’m glad I trusted Him through it all.
- Trusting God in the twist and turns in the “unexpected moments”
So often in the unexpected we come to God like “woe is me”
- Sometimes we think we will be the little “Messiah” of our life. God then redirects our lives.
- I am to serve Jesus and God Himself, not myself.
- Pastor needs other pastors who can call out the “blind spot” of your life to help you.
- There is always wisdom in the counsel of many.
Gods calling does not always fit in the “logical box” We still have trust and follow Him.
Here’s the breakdown outline from today’s conversation.
1. Journey of Life
– Both agreed how their younger selves would be surprised by where they are now. They reflect on the importance of trusting God and submitting to His will, even when it doesn’t align with our own expectations.
– Their experiences of entering ministry with certain preconceptions, only to have God redirect their paths in unexpected ways. They emphasize the need to be open to God’s leading, even when it challenges our assumptions
– Both acknowledge the natural tendency to experience a “woe is me” mentality when our expectations are not met, and how important it is to recognize that God may be working in ways we cannot see. They encourage seeking the counsel of others and looking for spiritual markers to discern God’s will.
2. Humility in the Journey
– The importance of humility and recognizing that we are not the Messiah, but rather called to serve and submit to God’s plan. They encourage listeners to be open to God’s leading, even when it seems illogical or difficult.
– The value of seeking the counsel of wise and seasoned believers, who can provide perspective and guidance. They emphasize the importance of relational equity and a shared understanding of God’s work in one’s life.
– The importance of trusting the Scriptures and seeking God’s direction through His Word. They share personal experiences of receiving unexpected guidance and affirmation through Scripture and encourage listeners to do the same.
3. Courage for the Journey
– The need for courage and boldness in following God’s calling, even when it involves risk or uncertainty. They caution against making decisions based on fear and encourage listeners to trust in God’s provision and grace.
– The role of emotions in spiritual decision-making, cautioning against allowing emotions to be the primary driver. They encourage listeners to cultivate a balance between emotion, reason, and discernment, with the fear of the Lord as the foundation.
– The tendency for men, in particular, to be driven by pride, arrogance, and a desire to avoid failure, rather than by a humble submission to God’s will. They encourage listeners to seek wisdom and counsel, and to be willing to wait on the Lord’s timing.
– The importance of trusting in God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, even when our expectations are not met. They encourage listeners to be open to God’s leading, to seek the counsel of others, and to find their security in the Lord rather than in their own abilities or circumstances.
4. Fear in the Journey
– Fear can reveal deep-seated emotions like hurt, pain, or past failures that need to be addressed. As we follow God’s counsel and trust in Him, our head, heart, and hands must work together. Submitting to God’s Lordship and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is crucial.
– When discerning important life decisions, such as who to marry, we should not rely solely on our emotions, which can be unpredictable. Instead, we must interpret God’s will based on His word, which serves as a lamp to guide our next step.
– God’s plan for our lives may not be fully revealed, but He will faithfully lead us as we trust and obey Him day by day. Even in the midst of hardship, we can find hope in the fact that God gives us each day as a gift.
– Ultimately, the wisdom we need is to be faithful and trust in God’s guidance, rather than seeking certainty about the future. This is a pastoral approach that can be applied to various life decisions, such as career choices and relationships.
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast
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