In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner speaks on the topic build on top from last episode, why don’t people sing in church?
First of all, is this even true? If so, is it a big deal? Is worship done for the people? Or is worship done by the people? If you’re a listener and a worship leader, are you aware of these perhaps dilemma of connecting with your congregation?
Well, get ready. We got a two-part breakdown on this topic.
Some highlights from today’s episode;
- I don’t say that to challenge God or tempt God, but God loves you and you have to faithful in trusting Him as He always takes care of His children.
- In the 21st century, we are a music sort of people! No one will say, “I hate music!” It’s part of our culture.
Corporate Worship: We are here not to sing by myself, but I am here to sing together as a church.
- “This is how I worship! I worship by listening” I heart that a lot from the people.
- Worship became a private thing, so I just love to listen others sing.
How we view success of worship is different from How God sees a successful worship.
Here are the five reasons people aren’t singing in your church;
Intro: Testimony of God’s Provision
1. Musically Illiterate: The Cultural Movement in with Music
- “I Love Lucy” The average household used to have pianos in the home.
- Hymnals: Chord Charts? Lead Sheet? Vocal (SABT)?
2. Personal Fear: “Do I Sound Ok? Am I Prohibiting Worship?
- There’s fear jus in everything! (Example: Greeting Time).
3. The Volume that is Too Loud: The loud music that drains the singers out.
- Corporate Worship: This is why we exist!
4. The Unfamiliarity of Songs: Fail to Have a Common Body of Hymnody
- “Well I don’t know this song!” So the arms are crossed and not participate.
- Genre: Sunday morning worship that is not suitable? “Turned Off”
- Seasoned Members: Too many newer songs that are unfamiliar.
- Hymns with Newer Rendition: Same Lyrics? But different tune.
- Worship = Private Event?
5. Professional Production vs. Congregational Singing “I’m just not a Musical Person!”
- “I love to make a Joyful Noise!” But not musical, therefore I don’t sing.
- What is true worship? The grace metrics in worship
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast
- The Baptist Hymnal
- To Avoid Problems with Lyric Slides, Innovative Church Prints Out Songs and Compiles Them into Book.
- Episode 7: The Worship Wars
- The Majesty’s Men
If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at jonathanhayashi.com.
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