This was the question asked recently by a radio host to Lauren Daigle, which was broadcast on iHeart radio.
With that recent outrage of Lauren Daigle, a Grammy-nominated Christian singer controversy of the homosexuality interview question, this issue plays a crucial role in the conversation of biblical marriage.
Today is the 21st century, people are living in an era of culture of confusion and even apathy about marriage. There seems to be even a sense of fear in the Christian community when speaking of what a simple definition of a biblical marriage based on scripture.
Therefore, the presupposition in one’s mind puts marriage in the negative light for various reasons; divorce, life-long commitment, promiscuity, fornication and the list goes on. There is much confusion of what a true biblical marriage does, which is a gift from above that is good and godly.
Biblical Understanding of Marriage
In Genesis 2:24 according to scripture, the Bible mentions the sections in three different categories of 1) Biblical Terminology, 2) Creation Ideal 3). History of Israel.
Scripture does attest to a significant number of God-honoring love relationships between men and women in Israel’s history, it will be seen that because of sin, the divine ideal of marriage was frequent subverted through polygamy, divorce, adultery, homosexuality, sterility, and a dilution of gender roles.
Marriage is not a human convention, but a divine institution.
A scripture-based sort of marriage is theocentric, gospel driven and Jesus honoring that is mastered by the grace Christ. In order for the culture to return to a biblical-centered marriage, first the church must repent and confess our sin of the negligence of elevating the inerrant Word of God.
Many church leaders throughout the United States seems to be distant and absent in the conversation of marital counseling; cold, stale, or pushed aside on the side-line fringes of society to the “professional-clinical psychologist.”
Homosexuality in Light of Scriptural Grounds
Lauren Daigle basically declined to answer the question of whether or not homosexuality is sin or not by saying, “I can’t say one way or the other if it’s sin. I am not God.”
The problem is not what was said, but what wasn’t said.
I have heard people immediately made a response of the statement such as, “Lauren Daigle didn’t have a full blown M.Div. seminary degree! She is a singer and does not have the robust theology of the Bible. How can we expect her to know how to respond then?”
However, as mentioned earlier, the understanding and knowledge of the biblical prescribed marriage is not only for the deep theologians who are able to distinguish the differentiation. These are basic elementary principle laid out for anyone who reads the Word of God to understand.
The question, “Do you feel that homosexuality is a sin?” can be proven not even in a systematic theoretical argument.
The OT Narrative Accounts for Clarification
The quote Lauren Daigle made, “Read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out let me know because I’m learning too.” This statement is a cop out statement!
God has designed marriage as a monogamous, heterosexual and complementarity only relationship.
Heterosexuality is an unequivocal component of the Creator’s design for marriage.
We see the violation such as in the city of Sodom and Gomorrah (Judg. 19:1-21:25), the lawbreakers in history of Israel (1 Kings 14:24; Job 36:14). The punishment of those who were caught in the act of homosexuality was death (Lev. 20:13). The practice of heterosexuality in the pages of scripture was the normative (Prov. 5:18-19).
The scripture is never “out-dated” but instead practical and helpful to navigating through this very topic and issue of biblical standard and God’s perspective of in a timely manner.
A theologically grounded marriage in OT and NT is applicable in our contemporary culture as pastors engaging the culture.