Evangelism & Discipleship Dillema

“What does a successful church look like?”

This was the question that I asked the first meeting after a summer break with the small group. We meet every other Monday nights with the couples about 7 married couples in the bible study and we began to brainstorm on this very question.

What does a win look like as a church? Where are we headed? What are we called to do here at the church? Sure enough we had various different answers from husband and wife.

I believe, we need some rule book that we can measure as a church if we are in the game or not. It is a game plan to guide us through as a team playing on the field for the kingdom ministry.

Matthew 28:19-20 says,

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

I believe, that is where we will be marked and evaluated as a church whether we are winning the game.

“Men and women, where are you at in this game? Where are each and one of us at in the discipleship process? What is your personal role, as commanded in God’s Word, in helping the church make disciples?” We somewhat thought we were in it somehow, yet asked a follow up question, “When was the last time you made a disciple? When was the last time you baptized somebody?” It was a daunting question, as we realized, we were not in the field playing the game. We were either in the stand or on the sideline just cheering people making disciples, rather than us being in the task.


We will continue on with the study using the book, “Master Plan of Discipleship” by Robert Coleman in identifying what discipleship task even looks like.

We like to use that word,

“What if we had a discipleship task force… etc” but what does that even mean? What does that look like?

Please pray with us as we continue to unfold on this great topic. Those who are interested, I will love to further talk and discover your next step in what it means to be a disciple maker.

Not only make disciple, but make disciples who make disciples, which is a true definition of discipleship!

Please contact the church office or I myself, and let’s dive in and uncover God’s plan for each and one of us in this process of making disciples for His Name sake!

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