In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi, and Brandon Boatner about what it means to be basically human as minister and pastors of the gospel.
Here’s a discussion on from two pastors on the topic of “Pastoral Proverb”
Some highlights from today’s episode.
- Be willing to look stupid, but don’t be stupid.
- I am only human.I’m just flesh and blood (even though I got a Spirit), I can only do so much.
- We are not God, but sometimes pastor try to be omnipresent, omniscient, or omnipotent.
People are not human doing, but people are human being.
- I am reminded once again, that I am first and far most not a “pastor” but a “child of God”
- My wife only gets one husband. My children only get one dad.
- The church will always be there, and it can wait.
It’s ok not to be ok.
- In churches, we people more like acquaintance rather than friends. With friend you can cry.
- Speak the unspoken.
- We don’t express in unhealthy ways, or even suppress it or repress it but confess by lamenting.
- The unspoken rule is that leaders cannot make any mistakes.
- As long as God gives you airs in your lungs, don’t give up.
Be humble and yet you can be confident.
Here’s the breakdown outline from today’s conversation.
1. Life Lessons in Pastoral Ministry
– Be willing to make mistakes but learn more those mistakes.
– Because you are human, it’s ok to make mistake. Don’t be afraid. Fall forward.
– Be willing to step out and don’t reinvent the wheel all over.
– We are not action-based church be a being church.
– More coffee is not always the answer!
2. People are Not God
– Sometimes, we don’t try to be someone that we are not.
– Being available to everyone and anyone is contradictory to being human.
– We are better together. Our churches are better link to reach the community for Christ.
– How do we often introduce ourselves? By our occupation and what we do.
– I had to learn these lessons the hard way, I wish I learned it quicker through a book.
3. Proper Boundaries in Humanity
– Take a Sabbath! Take a day off from work.
– It’s ok not to be ok.
– “How are you?” it is a custom here in the States it’s an introduction.
– In counseling, I identify their pain, give it a name, and gently touch it.
– How many do you have friend you can cry together at 2:00 am? That’s a real friend.
– Ministry is a performance driven atmosphere.
– Art of lamenting which has been lost within the churches.
– Feed the elephant that is in the room.
4. I Will Make Mistakes, Even Big Mistakes.
– We are not perfect, though sometimes we act like we are perfect.
– The truth is this, there is no rules in the rules of ministry.
– The best structure, system or strategy doesn’t really matter because there are no rules.
– Be ok with the element surprise even though we don’t see the future.
– “A righteous man falls seven times but rises again” (Prov 24:16).
– Make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.
– As longs as God give you a pulse, he has a purpose for you today.
5. God Gives me Grace
– John speaks of God giving us grace upon grace.
– “There’s nothing like the school of suffering” – Charles Spurgeon
– A new day will come (this is the truth). Until Jesus returns, the sun still rises.
– Jesus meets us where we at. He invites us to his table.
– “It is doubtful God can bless a man richly until He has hurt him deeply” – J.I. Packer
– Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more! Though sin is many, His mercy is more.
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast
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