In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner speaks on the topic on calling to ministry.
In the first place, what is a calling? General calling? Specific calling? What location or timing can we see in a calling?
Some highlights from today’s episode;
If you want people to like you, go sell ice-cream.
- Young people say, “I know I shouldn’t want to preach. That’s prideful.” The reality is Satan never tempts someone to become a pastor or preach the gospel.
- I came to know the Lord at age 16 when I was saved, and knew I wanted to become a pastor. But a 16-year-old biblically speaking become a pastor is probably not the smartest thing.
- The Holy Spirit is doing the work of the calling. You cannot falsify the work of the Holy Spirit in and through you to do something.
- We often pray, “God I want patience RIGHT NOW!”
Skills can get you in ministry, but only integrity will keep you in ministry.
- Pastoral ministry is really like folding clothes taking in and out of the laundry. Very mundane week-to-week do the same thing over-and-over again
- Pastor is one who weeps with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice (Rom 12:15).
- There are so many young pastors who want to come out and be a John Piper. They want to write books and they will be known and stuff. You have to put in your time.
- “By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” – Charles Spurgeon
If you’re just desperate, you want to get out the situation because ministry is tough, that is not a wise reason to move. You will just be miserable wherever you go.
- We hit pastoral roadblocks and often don’t know what to do. As a result, misread those roadblocks of life and say, “God is calling me elsewhere.”
- Youth ministry is the fastest turnovers for any pastoral roles.
- Nobody likes change! Only babies like change.
- The gospel beckons change in our lives with our belief and behavior. We cannot just be casual nominal Christianity.
The calling of a pastor not being liked, not being popular, not seeking comfort. A lot of it is actually dying to self.
- If you’re leaving a church, think about how you’re leaving because that is still a statement of who Jesus is.
Here are the two main points on conversation about calling;
Introduction – General Criticism: “What’s up with your mustache hipster look?!”
1. General Calling
- a) Callings are NOT: To be known, Generational, Popularity:
- b) OT Biblical Examples of Calling
- King David: Men after God’s own heart (2 Sam 7:8-17)
- Weeping Prophet Jeremiah: “Burning fire inside my heart.” (Jer 20:9)
- c) NT Biblical Internal Calling / External Calling
- “If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task.” (1 Tim 3:1)
- Qualification of a Pastor (1 Tim 3:1-7)
- Biblical Ordination is NOT a piece of paper you do online.
2. Specific Calling
- a) Role, Relationship and Responsibility
- Vocational Ministry: Service types
- Local church is a testing ground of working through skill set.
- Pastor (ἐπισκοπή): Shepherd, elder, overseer same word (1 Tim 3; Tit 1; 1 Pet 2)
- b) Location & Timing
- Missions field: Know the requirement and expectation.
- Push in ministry & Pull in ministry.
- The Lifestyle of Pastoral Ministry (Thom Rainer)
- Prayer with one another.
- Succession Plan: Discipleship & Leadership (1 Cor 12:27)
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast
- A new Role? Consider the Push and the Pull
- Youth Ministry is Not a Stepping Stone
- The Lifecycle of Pastors
- The Majesty’s Men
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