When Jesus Doesn’t Calm the Storm of Life

Praising God Amid the Storm of Life

Maybe some of you know that song, but this is a song written by Casting Crown, a seven-member group made up of worship leaders. Mark Hall, the leader, is a pastor at a church, and the song was written in 2005 and came out 20 years ago!

The story behind the song is about a little girl dying of cancer who never gave up her trust in Jesus . . . and her mother who stood on the promises of God through the whole ordeal.

“I was sure by now

God, You would have reached down

And wiped our tears away

Stepped in and saved the day

And once again

I say, “A-men” and it’s still rainin’

But as the thunder rolls

I barely hear Your whisper through the rain

“I’m with you”

And as Your mercy falls

I’ll raise my hands and praise the God who gives

And takes away” 

The verse was from the Old Testament, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21). Knowing that God has the power to give and take away, Casting Crowns responds with praise and worship amid their pain.

I was so inspired by this song when I was in high school, that I drew a picture dedicated to the God who is in the storm, as I was going through a season that was dark and similar to the author, pointing back to the fact God held me together.

1. Jesus the Miracle Worker

This is perhaps one of the most well-known stories in Jesus’ life, which is the calming of the storm (Mark 4:35-41).

In this particular section, there are four miracles as you have heard earlier are;

  • (1) Calms the Storm down (Mark 4:35-41). 
  • (2) Cast the Demon out (Mark 5:1-20). 
  • (3) Cleanse the Sickness within (Mark 5:21-34)
  • (4) Claims the Death over (Mark 5:35-43) 

Power of Jesus’ words are not only in teaching but also in the realm of the miraculous. He speaks to the wind, he speaks to the demons, he reverses sickness and death.

As the storm rages, what do the disciples say? “But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’” (v. 38). The disciples were professional fishermen! This is similar to the language of the Old Testament Jonah as well.

The disciples hanging out on a boat with Jesus when a life-threatening storm erupts on the water. They’re unprepared to face it. Panicking, they realize they might die. The entire time this is happening, Jesus is asleep during this time! As we have witnessed what took place, Jesus has been preaching, healing, and casting out demons. Jesus is sleeping peacefully.

The question that was made was really a statement made to Jesus! Now, the disciples didn’t just say, “Jesus don’t you care about us?” But even further, “Do you not care we are perishing?”

You may not be in a literal storm but may be in a spiritual storm of life that causes us to say, “I am perishing!” Just so you know, just because you became a follower of Jesus doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the difficulties of life. “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange was happening to you.” (1 Pet 4:12).

“And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Peace! Be still!’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” (v. 39). The language here of “rebuke” is similar to the earlier reference where Jesus does exorcism over the evil spirit out of a man!

Jesus simply spoke, and there was silence. The diabolical thing that was going on in the disciple’s crisis. Whatever is going on, Jesus speaks and ends there.

2. Jesus is the Wonder Maker

“And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, ‘Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’”(v. 41). The disciples were astonished by this.

“Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” (v. 40). This is crucial as in verses 40-41 we see the interaction of two verses, “Where is your faith?”

Jesus is so candor here. Jesus calms the storm and then, “Why are you afraid? How come you don’t have any faith?” It is clear, the disciples should have had faith rather than fear over the situation!

We see Jesus doing miracles repeatedly. Jesus being a miracle worker, the disciples are astonished! As story unfolds, (1) Jesus calms the storm. (2). Jesus cast the demons out. (3) Jesus heals the sickness with blood.

Jesus’ gentle rebuke wasn’t because they didn’t believe Jesus could save them from the storm, but because they struggled to believe He would see them through it. What is the response of the disciples? “What kind of man is this?”

Are your hearts hard today like the disciples? In the book of Mark, the only hard-hearted people are the scribes and the disciples of Jesus. In the midst of struggles, suffering, strife, and the storm of life it becomes easy for us to focus on the wrong things.

Focus on Jesus, not the stress!

Focus on Jesus, not the suffering!

Focus on Jesus, not the struggles!

Focus on Jesus, not the storm!


Jesus in the Midst of the Storm 

What is the point of Jesus calming the storm? Not how Jesus will bring health, wreath, and prosperity by claiming the storm of your life.

What is the author Mark’s intention? God has authority over these, then how much more should we respond to Jesus when he calls us?

Sometimes, trials and tribulations of the storm of life come just because we are disciples of Jesus Christ. Above all, the Lord is the answer. His answer is HIMSELF. Knowing God is there in the midst of the storm is enough for the disciples.

How do we give hope to those who are in the midst of the storm? There are times as a follower of Jesus, certain storms of life are just unfathomable as we cannot explain what has been revealed to us.

God is sovereign, He is wise, He is loving, He is faithful, He is just in all of His ways. We may not understand what he is doing, He understands what he is doing. It is enough to know that God is trustworthy.

Am I giving hope to those who are suffering through the storm? I have the hope that is forever loving and forever merciful. The God who is forever gracious, forever unchanging, the God who demonstrated to send His Son to die and give eternal life.

I don’t know what that storm in your life may be in, but Christ is our hope amid the storm of life.

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