What is a “disciple” in the first place? 

Everyone agrees; Discipleship is important. Discipleship is fundamental to the church and every facet of our churches and who we are. Not just one facet like Children’s ministry, Music ministry, Youth ministry, Senior adults ministry…. but every facet goes under the umbrella of Discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20). I mean first of all, what does it mean to be a “Disciple of

The Resurrection Cross

What is the relationship between the gospel and discipleship?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor, theologian during under the reign of Nazi Germany with Hitlar in the year of 1940s said it well, “Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.” Many pastor quote him for the book written, “The Cost of Discipleship.” Bonhoeffer was a professor, a pastor, a spy, and finally, a martyr. He believed that unless one

Spiritual Growth

Discipleship – Selection

  “Go make disciples…..” So, where should we begin? “The typical churched believer will die without leading a single person to a life-saving relationship with Jesus Christ.” said Jim Putman from Real Life ministries. I believe it boils down to this daunting question that no one wants to raise. We have no idea where to even begin by making disciples.

Evangelism & Discipleship Dillema

“What does a successful church look like?” This was the question that I asked the first meeting after a summer break with the small group. We meet every other Monday nights with the couples about 7 married couples in the bible study and we began to brainstorm on this very question. What does a win look like as a church?

Christian Leadership: Sociological Ministry Leadership

“What is one thing you wish you knew before being in the ministry?” a young seminary student asked me. It is this, the two relationship 1. Leader 2. Follower Charles Tidwell said it once, “Leaders Must Earn a Following”  It is true even of church leaders that their arrival at a position must be accompanied or followed soon by their