The Priority of Prayer

Prayer should be our number one priority in building an intimate relationship with Christ

The Need for Better Evangelism and More Baptism

As a pastor, my prayer and desire are to see that as leaders we will create a system from national, state, local, and church to work together to build leaders to see greater number of evangelism and baptism. 

Christ the Incarnate Deity

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12). He came as a mild babe in the manger (Incarnation).

6 Reasons to Give Thanks Even in Trials

Thanksgiving to God is fundamental to a believer’s life for it is the only means of communicating with God which is inclusive of praise, prayer, and proclamation of God’s sacrificial death on the cross.

Why Sharing Your Faith Matters?

We must get serious about reaching people who are far from God. There is a battle going on out there, and the church is losing ground.

Can We Love Without Being Vulnerable?

Just recently, I was told by one of our core leaders in the church that I couldn’t be vulnerable and share about my past as it would get people worried that their leader didn’t “have his life together”.

Gilbert Tennent

Gilbert Tennent and the First Great Awakening

Gilbert Tennent became a strong supporter of the Great Awakening, remembered for his sermon “The Danger of an Unconverted Ministry, which he preached at Nottingham, Pennsylvania on March 8, 1740. 

Seven Ways to Pray for Church Leaders

7 Ways to Pray for Church Leaders

The last year or so has perhaps been the most disruptive and draining time for any church leader. This perhaps is not only for pastors or church leaders but was the most difficult year to survive navigating through making very difficult decisions.