I cannot recall who or when this was shared with me, but I was recently going through these and believe it is helpful for every Christians to ask.
Here are eight diagnostic questions to ask to dig a little deeper on your discipleship pathway.
1. A Secret Sense of Pride.
An exalted feeling in view of your success or position. Perhaps because of your good education and training or even appearance. This manifest in the independent spirit that comes out so often.
2. Love of Man and Praise of People.
A secret fondness to be noticed is a manifest of “self-love” Love of surpremacy, drawing attention to self in conversation gives a sense of “swelling up” of self and “puff up” That often comes in one’s conversation and prayer time.
3. Stirring of Anger or Impatience.
Often call it “nervousness” or “Holy indignation” this comes in the category of “touch sensitive spirit” where you resent and retaliate when disapproved other or confronted by issues. Do you throw sharp heated flings at others when you are irritated?
4. Self-Will
A stubborn or unteachable spirit. This shows in the argumentative, harsh sarcastic expression, or a driving commanding spirit. There is a sense of disposition to criticize others and pick the faults and point fingers to other people.
5. Carnal Fear.
There is a sense of “fear of man” rather than “fear of God” There is a shrinking fear from those of wealth or position. There is a fear that someone will perhaps offend and drive punishment people away.
6. A Jealous Disposition
A secre spirit of envy shoots you up in your heart. There is a sense of unpleasant sensation rather than in view of the great success of prosperity of others.
7. A Dishonest, Deceitful Disposition.
The evading and covering of the WHOLE truth. When in wrongdoing, people tend to cover up the real faults of self and leaving a better impression than the other person who is involved. That portrays then “false humility” with exaggeration of the situation as well!
8. Unbelief.
A spirit of discouragement in the pressure and opposition of life. Often begins to reveal in the lack of quietness before God and confidence in Christ. There becomes evident a lack of faith and trust in God as worry and complaint becomes evidence in the person’s life.
What other questions would you add to the list?