Leadership is Fighting Against Fear of Man

The issue of “fear of man” became my main focus rather than “fear of God” (Prov 1:7). In other words, as Ed Welch said it well, people became big, and God became small. 

Church Planting is Hard Work

I am thankful for little things, such as brothers in this church planter’s cohort that I am part of, as I journey through prayer and encouragement through God’s Word. Wouldn’t be here if it were not for these fellow pastors in this mission work! 

5 Reason for Church Planting

Someone may say, “Don’t we have plenty of churches already? Why church planting?” Here are five reasons we believe in planting a church right here and right now. 

Pastoring is Weird

Pastoring is not just weird, pastoring is hard. Statistics show that 85% of seminary graduates who enter ministry will leave ministry in the first 5 years.

8 Questions to Dig Deeper by Soul Searching

There is a sense of “fear of man” rather than “fear of God” There is a shrinking fear from those of wealth or position. There is a fear that someone will perhaps offend and drive punishment people away.

Episode 30: Sexual Abuse in the Church

This is a topic that should be a burdensome and grievous topic for all of us. Difficult topic, yet by the grace of God and His help we want to talk about this idea of sexual abuse despite the secrecy surrounding this topic.