Why Is Evangelizing So Awkward?

Gospel; it is important for us to understand the beauty and the glory of the gospel. In the evangelism training we so often jump into the “How.” We get people with basic training and all that is good stuff, however if we don’t have the “Why” we lose the meaning of “How”. If you have a “How” and not the “why” then there is no movement. We are all on mission to fulfill the Great Commission.

A Passion For Souls: Life of D.L.Moody

The world has yet to see a man who is fully yielded unto God’s will. Are you an ordinary man or woman in whom God wants to do extraordinary things? God desires that for every child of His. Ask God to do extraordinary things in your life. Begin today to trust Him to accomplish great things for His Kingdom through you.

Three Steps to Recover an Outwardly Focused Church

Churches have become preoccupied with existing to meet people’s felt needs and satisfy their wants. They are no longer fellowship of those who are sacrificial, those who want to give their lives away.

So which one are you? There’s only two categories. Spurgeon said it well, “Every Christian is either an imposter or a missionary.”

Desperate Times: Call For Discipleship Measure

  Discipleship is not motivated by strategy, but adoration for Jesus Christ! So it must be our heart beat as we adore and worship Christ, we are not only intentional of making disciples who make disciples, but disciples who are able to engage the culture! John Dickerson “The Great Evangelical Recession” wrote six factors that will crash the American church. …

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Preaching; for Guilty, Needy Perishing Sinners.

When a man stands in the pulpit to preach, it ought to be the passionate pursuit of that man. Jeremiah wrote, “But His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay” (Jeremiah 20:9). I believe this is what we have lost in the …

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Making Jesus’s Last Words Our First Work

Why are so many people not growing deeper in their relationship with God? There was a recent study done by Eric Geiger and Ed Stetzer for writing the book Transformational Groups, a study that oversee 2,300 churches sponsored by 15 denominations. Less than half of those churches said they had any plan in place for discipling people, and only 60 …

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