Top 10 Most Popular Posts from 2018

With few changes with online content and updating with new looks, this year Evangelica Sola has had triple the readers compared to last year! Much of the viewers came from these 10 post that particularly resonated with our audience.

Three Steps to Recover an Outwardly Focused Church

Churches have become preoccupied with existing to meet people’s felt needs and satisfy their wants. They are no longer fellowship of those who are sacrificial, those who want to give their lives away.

So which one are you? There’s only two categories. Spurgeon said it well, “Every Christian is either an imposter or a missionary.”

3 Essential Marks of a Church That Most People Ignore 

One of the lessons we can learn from the evangelical movement is that its central weakness was not epistemological. Its central weakness was not its commitment to the core doctrines of the Christian faith. It’s central weakness was ecclesiological – an undervaluing of the local church in particular. – Albert Mohler

Desperate Times: Call For Discipleship Measure

  Discipleship is not motivated by strategy, but adoration for Jesus Christ! So it must be our heart beat as we adore and worship Christ, we are not only intentional of making disciples who make disciples, but disciples who are able to engage the culture! John Dickerson “The Great Evangelical Recession” wrote six factors that will crash the American church. …

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Turning Everyday Conversation Into Gospel Conversations

We don’t have to talk about Jesus, we get to! “But I’m not sure how to go about it Jonathan!” As one of my favorite quotes is from G. K. Chesterton said it once, “Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly.” Here are some tips that perhaps will help us with us in order to have a Gospel Conversation. Storing: Three stories  1. …

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Bridging The Gap Between Churches & Post Modernity Culture

This idea of Discipleship so often has been misunderstood. In fact, I was speaking to one of the lady at our church last week as we began this new ministry of discipleship, she along with many other people misunderstood by thinking it’s a one-on-one deal that only super christians do. But in essence, by definition a “Disciple” is a Christian. So if …

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The False Dichotomy: Why Millennials Leave the Church?

As we all know this year marks the 500th anniversary of the of the Protestant Reformation with Martin Luther; anyone interested in Christianity should become familiar with Martin Luther and his work. We remember as we look back to 1517 the pivotal moment in history has done for us today, this simple a monk named Martin Luther posted a paper …

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