Why Is Evangelizing So Awkward?

Gospel; it is important for us to understand the beauty and the glory of the gospel. In the evangelism training we so often jump into the “How.” We get people with basic training and all that is good stuff, however if we don’t have the “Why” we lose the meaning of “How”. If you have a “How” and not the “why” then there is no movement. We are all on mission to fulfill the Great Commission.

The Eight ‘Ds’ of Personal Discipleship

In this fallen world even people in a very complex, postmodern world are desperately hungry to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to step it up. We need to toughen up and take this job seriously. We need to be ready to suffer for the gospel. We need to be motivated by this stewardship that we have been entrusted. We are to run this race well.