Conflict Is Not The Problem, Avoiding Conflict Resolution Is
According to a study done by Focus on the Family, fifteen hundred pastors leave the ministry each month due to spiritual burnout or contention in their churches.
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
According to a study done by Focus on the Family, fifteen hundred pastors leave the ministry each month due to spiritual burnout or contention in their churches.
It was my idolatry that bought him the lashes, it was my pride that ridiculed to Jesus, it was lack of integrity that conjured up on an innocent man, it was my sin that put Jesus on the cross 2000 years ago. It is I that need forgiveness.
Easter Is A Big Deal Two thousand years ago, in the Middle East, an event occurred that permanently changed the world. Because of that event, history was split. Jesus rose from the dead. Nobody else has ever done that. And Jesus’ resurrection has changed the world. It has changed history. It has changed me, and millions of others. Easter is the
The Rise of The Nones: Understanding and Reaching the Religiously Unaffiliated
Doing vs. Developing: A Key Issue For Church Ministry
Why Churches Don’t Value Leadership Development? via @jonathanhayash
You read the bible in Black and white print, you got to Israel it becomes in 3D. Even with all the technology and high-speed internet seeing via social media, what we see is not quite the same as being in the Holy Land in it of itself. For example, we can see the grander of the Grand Canyon on
“In today’s church, leadership has become something of an obsession” said by Dr. Albert Mohler the ninth president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. There is a sense of lostness of the definition of leadership. The term, “leadership” has been thrown left to right and has been put up on the pedestal of worship. The obsession of the
Discipleship is not motivated by strategy, but adoration for Jesus Christ! So it must be our heart beat as we adore and worship Christ, we are not only intentional of making disciples who make disciples, but disciples who are able to engage the culture! John Dickerson “The Great Evangelical Recession” wrote six factors that will crash the American church.
When a man stands in the pulpit to preach, it ought to be the passionate pursuit of that man. Jeremiah wrote, “But His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay” (Jeremiah 20:9). I believe this is what we have lost in the
“Succession”: it’s a hot topic that people speak all over the place. When the senior leader leaves, it often puts the organiozation and everyone in a peculiar position. However, as a ministry team leaders ought to think through not only senior leader level in our leadership development, but in every level of leadership pipeline. All those levels/layers are important, therfore we must be
Just yesterday, noticed in our backyard how flowers started blooming, which means Spring is right around the corner! As the season change, outside is starting to look more green as the grass looks more healthy, animals are coming out from hibernation, yet I noticed there were dead spots in our yard. Happened to google what I had to do to get rid
We don’t have to talk about Jesus, we get to! “But I’m not sure how to go about it Jonathan!” As one of my favorite quotes is from G. K. Chesterton said it once, “Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly.” Here are some tips that perhaps will help us with us in order to have a Gospel Conversation. Storing: Three stories 1.
It was a Sunday afternoon after our regular Sunday morning service, we gathered around in the back fellowshipping with one another and a member jumped into the conversation mentioning of the retirement. Excited this person was as she mentioned of her own decision something like this: “Working a normal job, I had to spend 40 or 50 hours a
The great evangelist D.L. Moody was once confronted by a woman who said she didn’t like his method of evangelism. D. L. Moody said, “I don’t particularly like my method either. What’s yours?” The woman said, “I don’t have one.” To which D.L. Moody replied, “Then I like mine better!” There are many methods for sharing the faith! As
This idea of Discipleship so often has been misunderstood. In fact, I was speaking to one of the lady at our church last week as we began this new ministry of discipleship, she along with many other people misunderstood by thinking it’s a one-on-one deal that only super christians do. But in essence, by definition a “Disciple” is a Christian. So if
“We have the most wonderful pastor! He really preaches the Word. He preaches against sin and even calls sin by its name,” the member said. The my friend asked about the doctrinal content of the sermons (“Does he preach on doctrines like regeneration, justification, redemption, sanctification and so forth?”), the emphasis response was, “No! He doesn’t preach on those kinds
As we all know this year marks the 500th anniversary of the of the Protestant Reformation with Martin Luther; anyone interested in Christianity should become familiar with Martin Luther and his work. We remember as we look back to 1517 the pivotal moment in history has done for us today, this simple a monk named Martin Luther posted a paper
Why are so many people not growing deeper in their relationship with God? There was a recent study done by Eric Geiger and Ed Stetzer for writing the book Transformational Groups, a study that oversee 2,300 churches sponsored by 15 denominations. Less than half of those churches said they had any plan in place for discipling people, and only 60
Jesus is absolutely worth everything within our lives. The fundamental question we must as is, “What is Jesus worth to me?” Radical by David Platt challenges us to consider with honest open heart question, of how we think and take the gospel in our life. So many questions and stipulations that beckons us that leads us a stray with the
Someone approached me and asked me recently, “What is your favorite Bible verse?” I often find myself troubled as I find it extremely difficult at times to focus in on one single verse, as there are specific times in my life where certain passage of scripture that ministers to my soul, so I would like to answer this question carefully
New Years Resolution comes in many forms. People wanting to get rid of bad habits, or develop a good habit. Why not begin by what matters most with our faith in the Lord? Let’s start there! One of the benefits of thinking about “developing good habits” is to remember the practices of the ancient church. What the Reformation took away from
How can we grow as a church? How do you start a new group in a church? I believe this is one of the fundamental question raised by all churches, as within the question in itself, there is a sense urgency that they recognize something is not working. They know and sense that fulfilling the Great Commission is a task that