Three Dangerous Leaders

Lately, I have had an opportunity to pull back from all the busy activities of ministry and to simply stop, reflect, and think. Here are three lessons I’ve learned about leadership over the past 10 years. 

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

6 Fun Facts about Spurgeon You Didn’t Know

On June 19th, 1834 Charles Haddon Spurgeon was born. As you noticed, that is this week and this mark 186th birthday for him.

In honor of his 186th birthday, I wanted to share 6 fun facts that perhaps you have never heard.

It seems like the more I grow in my faith; I love the good old hymns

Top 10 Greatest Hymns of All Time

The more I sing hymns, I learn more about these songs and the more  I love them all. Even the ones that are not so well-known hymns, it is good and helpful for our churches to sing.

Christ, the Anthem! Our Mighty Fortress

Luther’s most famous hymn is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” written in 1529. Based on Psalm 46, it reflects Luther’s awareness of our intense struggle with spiritual warfare.

10 Quotes on Spurgeon’s Sorrows

There is much we can learn from Spurgeon’s life and how he faced depression yet had unshakable hope that is found in Christ alone.

10 Prayers During Hard Times

What should our response be to a crisis like? How can we pray during these uncertain times? How does faith come in play in such a time as this?  

Every Life is Precious to God

In certain countries, there are 3,572,000 orphans, with nearly 5000 children with Down syndrome who are unwanted. Many of those children are killed at birth. The “lucky” ones end up in orphanages.

The Story Behind, “It Is Well with My Soul”

The more I grow in my faith,  the more I love the old hymns. “It is well with my soul” is one of my favorites of all! It was written by Horatio G. Spafford and published in 1873. The music is arranged by Philip P. Bliss in 1876 After suffering of the loss of his children, Spafford penned this hymn as

Can a Person Mess Up So Bad to be Disqualified from Ministry?

Could someone who struggles with past sin be disqualified from preaching? At what point does a man who struggles with pornography be disqualified from ministry altogether? Can a man who is divorced or remarried be a leader in a church? Can he ever be restored again?

O Come Let Us Adore Him

The Son of Glory came to fight our glory battle so that we would be freed from our bondage to any glory but the glory of God.

How to Evaluate Your Worship Service

“How was your worship service?” That’s the question I often hear. Over the lunch table, after service, in restaurants…. What is the basis of determining the effectiveness of the worship service?

Prone To Wonder

The line says, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love.” I feel that way sometimes. Too often I find myself distracted and drifting, instead of having my heart and mind focused on the Savior who loves me and gave Himself for me.

25 Powerful Quotes on Grace

Some preachers used it as an acronym as, “God’s Righteousness At Christ’ Expense.” For as followers of Christ, we know how the Christian life is indeed all about grace.