5 Ways to Deal with People Who Cause You Grief
Today, if you face any sort of difficulty with people, the world will say to take the highway. I believe Christians are called to take the higher way.
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
Today, if you face any sort of difficulty with people, the world will say to take the highway. I believe Christians are called to take the higher way.
Lately, I have had an opportunity to pull back from all the busy activities of ministry and to simply stop, reflect, and think. Here are three lessons I’ve learned about leadership over the past 10 years.
Theological disagreement can cause church splits, tear up churches and ultimately jeopardize Christian Unity.
The real debate within the contemporary cultural context lies at the intersection in post-modernity where the Bible has its rightful place in authority, certainty, and the finality.
Average person is living with an incredible amount of debt. Statistics says the average is $90,000.00.
Luther’s most famous hymn is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” written in 1529. Based on Psalm 46, it reflects Luther’s awareness of our intense struggle with spiritual warfare.
What Scripture or promise of God gets you through difficult situations?
How should pastors reach local congregants through the preaching of God’s Word? How could churches collect tithes and offerings? What about pastoral care in providing resources for the flock?
In certain countries, there are 3,572,000 orphans, with nearly 5000 children with Down syndrome who are unwanted. Many of those children are killed at birth. The “lucky” ones end up in orphanages.
Can a gospel-loving Christian still care about politics at the same time? If a Christian is more on one side either to the right or left, still be a faithful Christian?
Here are the five important biblical solution to creating a healthy church that becomes more a singing church.
So, why don’t people sing in church? Is this even true? If so, is it a big deal? Is worship done for the people? Or is worship done by the people? Here are the five reasons people aren’t singing in your church.
Why does music matter in our churches? Because unity is so crucial in our churches.
Japan is known by many to be a difficult mission field. Japan has now been known as “the missionary’s graveyard.”
What is a calling? General calling? Specific calling? What location or timing can we see in a calling?
Powlison’s wisdom and his love for the Word transformed every way I approach pastoral care and counseling.
If you are in church ministry, you are going to face inevitable criticism. The questions is, how do we deal with all sort of different types of criticism?
“I love Jesus, but not the church. So, I ditched the church.” Have you heard statement made by Christians? Is this a big deal?
Although her skillful confutations silenced her opponents, her claim that the Holy Spirit communicated directly to her (apart from Scripture) was not tolerated.
Have you sensed at times God’s presence so strong that you wanted to simply kneel down in silence in awe of Him?
The joy of ministry outweighs the hardship of ministry.
Am I intended to be the hero of my HEART and the hero of MY story? Is this life about believing in myself and following my own heart?
The threats upon the family are implausible. The question we as Christians must ask is this: “What should be the response of the church?”
Abuse is sickening and is wrong. Any tricked, forced, manipulated or coerced activity for the pleasure of the abuser is satanic.