Not Everyone Is A Missionary
We see a huge collision in Evangelism vs. Missions distinction all together. This is crucial for our churches to understand in order to advance the kingdom ministry through mission work.
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
We see a huge collision in Evangelism vs. Missions distinction all together. This is crucial for our churches to understand in order to advance the kingdom ministry through mission work.
Easter Is A Big Deal Two thousand years ago, in the Middle East, an event occurred that permanently changed the world. Because of that event, history was split. Jesus rose from the dead. Nobody else has ever done that. And Jesus’ resurrection has changed the world. It has changed history. It has changed me, and millions of others. Easter is the …
You read the bible in Black and white print, you got to Israel it becomes in 3D. Even with all the technology and high-speed internet seeing via social media, what we see is not quite the same as being in the Holy Land in it of itself. For example, we can see the grander of the Grand Canyon on …
Discipleship is not motivated by strategy, but adoration for Jesus Christ! So it must be our heart beat as we adore and worship Christ, we are not only intentional of making disciples who make disciples, but disciples who are able to engage the culture! John Dickerson “The Great Evangelical Recession” wrote six factors that will crash the American church. …
The great evangelist D.L. Moody was once confronted by a woman who said she didn’t like his method of evangelism. D. L. Moody said, “I don’t particularly like my method either. What’s yours?” The woman said, “I don’t have one.” To which D.L. Moody replied, “Then I like mine better!” There are many methods for sharing the faith! As …
As we all know this year marks the 500th anniversary of the of the Protestant Reformation with Martin Luther; anyone interested in Christianity should become familiar with Martin Luther and his work. We remember as we look back to 1517 the pivotal moment in history has done for us today, this simple a monk named Martin Luther posted a paper …
Why are so many people not growing deeper in their relationship with God? There was a recent study done by Eric Geiger and Ed Stetzer for writing the book Transformational Groups, a study that oversee 2,300 churches sponsored by 15 denominations. Less than half of those churches said they had any plan in place for discipling people, and only 60 …