Healthy-Church Invest in Kingdom-Focus Ministry
In this life, it only takes a little bit of faith, faith that really cannot be measured, to be included in God’s kingdom.
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
In this life, it only takes a little bit of faith, faith that really cannot be measured, to be included in God’s kingdom.
Dear church congregants; Don’t make it hard for him. Be responsive, be prompt, and be cooperative in every way you can. You will give him such joy.
Praying for the country of the rising sun to become one day known as the country of the Risen Son!
I believe without the doctrine of the church; Christians could not possibly exist.
How can we help others grow in spiritual maturity? How can we help our children to be more Christ-like?
1`What is a local church and why do they exist? If there’s no alignment, then everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes.
Satan wants to split the church in half like our country is divided in so many areas. Satan wants to do everything in the church to bring division and get Christians off the course!
There is a sense of “fear of man” rather than “fear of God” There is a shrinking fear from those of wealth or position. There is a fear that someone will perhaps offend and drive punishment people away.
Don’t want to be stuck in past circumstances, that influences the present moments, which unbales you to move towards the future opportunities.
Pastoring is challenging in difficult times so embrace the joy of Christ. (1 Thess 5:16,18).
Prayer is a vital part of an effective, strong, healthy, and biblical church!
Nobody ever told me how painful it is where people whom you trust turn around and betray your friendship.
Our generation’s core problem is the central weakness of ecclesiology, an undervaluing of the local church.
Is your church or ministry struggling to reach the next generation?
The last year or so has perhaps been the most disruptive and draining time for any church leader. This perhaps is not only for pastors or church leaders but was the most difficult year to survive navigating through making very difficult decisions.
The shepherd leaders’ job is as John Calvin said it well, “The pastor ought to have two voices: one, for gathering the sheep; and another, for warding off and driving away wolves and thieves. The Scripture supplies him with the means of doing both.”
Here are the five important biblical solution to creating a healthy church that becomes more a singing church.
So, why don’t people sing in church? Is this even true? If so, is it a big deal? Is worship done for the people? Or is worship done by the people? Here are the five reasons people aren’t singing in your church.
If you are in church ministry, you are going to face inevitable criticism. The questions is, how do we deal with all sort of different types of criticism?
The threats upon the family are implausible. The question we as Christians must ask is this: “What should be the response of the church?”
Because we care about our neighbor, we live in transformational living in Christ.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer even said it well, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
The word “toxic” comes from the German “toxikon” which means “arrow poison”. In a literal sense, the term in its original form thus means to kill (poison) in a targeted way (arrow).
This is absolutely a counter-cultural model. This radically changes everything of how we think and howe we function as a church.