Christians Ought to Forgive the Unlovable
Forgiving others is a mark of genuine disciples of Christ.
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
Forgiving others is a mark of genuine disciples of Christ.
When we look deep down in the soul, what do we find? What part of our self are we supposed to be, “true to”?
Lately, I have had an opportunity to pull back from all the busy activities of ministry and to simply stop, reflect, and think. Here are three lessons I’ve learned about leadership over the past 10 years.
Theological disagreement can cause church splits, tear up churches and ultimately jeopardize Christian Unity.
In this episode of the Ordinary Radicals podcast, Jonathan Hayashi and Brandon Boatner speak on a heavy heart wrenching topic of racism in America.
Worship is a hot topic and should always be a hot topic! Why? Because worship matters.
What Scripture or promise of God gets you through difficult situations?
How should pastors reach local congregants through the preaching of God’s Word? How could churches collect tithes and offerings? What about pastoral care in providing resources for the flock?
How should Christians respond to this worldwide crisis? How should we biblically think in this fallen world that strikes panic and fear of our life, family, and churches?
In certain countries, there are 3,572,000 orphans, with nearly 5000 children with Down syndrome who are unwanted. Many of those children are killed at birth. The “lucky” ones end up in orphanages.
Because we are adopted as sons and daughters of the highest, we celebrate together the beautiful adoption of the rescue, redemption the restoration of the heavenly Father’s love.
Could someone who struggles with past sin be disqualified from preaching? At what point does a man who struggles with pornography be disqualified from ministry altogether? Can a man who is divorced or remarried be a leader in a church? Can he ever be restored again?
The Son of Glory came to fight our glory battle so that we would be freed from our bondage to any glory but the glory of God.
The longer I’m in ministry, it seems like anxiety seems to be more prevalent in ministry. How could we deal with our anxiety? Where does anxiety come from?
The Bible abounds with the truth about worry, fear, and anxiety, although applying these truths can be a complex and difficult task.
The fundamental question in the midst of sorrow is, “What is a proper grieving from a biblical standpoint?”
Because of the cross and the empty tomb, the way is now open for all to come. Sins have been fully paid and fully accessible!
Many people are seeking purpose and identity horizontally such as their wife, from a job, from achievement, from health, or wealth which the cycle continues on over and over again.
Am I intended to be the hero of my HEART and the hero of MY story? Is this life about believing in myself and following my own heart?
“The mission of the Church is to seek and to save them that are lost.” – James H. Aughey
To get at the nature of that faith, it is helpful to ponder why faith alone justifies. Why not love, or some other virtuous disposition?
I come with singing and everlasting joy within my heart. I obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing goes away.
“The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this. ” ― C. S. Lewis
“If you believe what you like in the gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.” ― Augustine