Christian Conflict: 5 Steps to Conflict Resolution

Conflict at cost is visible everywhere. In light of this, Christians are to be the salt and the light of Jesus by promoting the gospel of peace by not only believing the gospel but living the gospel.

Letter to the Anxious Christian

How can we continue on with faith in the life of anxiety when things seem uncertain? What are some ways to trust in our God in the midst of the storm?

development process

4 Development Process for Effective Disciple Makers

Jesus didn’t take these men and immediately throw them into leadership. Jesus instead walked with them, prayed with them, and disciple them. In order to make disciples as Jesus did takes hard work, it requires grip, nurturing time, requires emotional intelligence, capacity, and fortitude.

fight against porn

The Real Fight against Pornography 

Pornography is evil. It is wrong, it is deadly, it distorts human sexuality, it is an assault upon human dignity. The moral consequences not just the secular world but even in American Evangelicals is devastating. Whether or not we are willing to overlook something like these repeated challenges, and is a scandal.

The early church

How the Resurrection Changes Everything

“He is not here,” tells them that their search is a vain one; no more should they look in a tomb for Jesus. “He has been raised,” where the passive points to the truth that the Father raised his Son.

Great Awakening

America’s Greatest Theologian: Jonathan Edwards

Edwards has exercised influence through his voluminous writings, through a school of disciples known as the “New England Theologians”, and through the evangelical and neo-orthodoxy movements during the 19th and 20th century.

For the Glory of God

How Do I, “Live for God’s Glory Alone”?

The fundamental question that our 21st century evangelical churches must ask is this; If we could have everything in this world, yet Christ is not there, can we be satisfied?

Me Too Movement

Spiritual Abuse in the Church

Dietrich Bonhoeffer even said it well, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”


5 Reasons Why I Started Blogging

Linguists tell us that we actually have not had a thought until we can articulate it through speech or in writing. Therefore, the more we put our thoughts down on paper, the more firmly they are formed in our minds.


5 Noetic Effects on the Mind and Human Reasoning

The perspective of Christian mind once again is to rediscover the truth of scripture, critical thinking that is led by the Spirit, and identifying the various ways the secular world value and practice have creeped into the church.

Existence of God

How Do You Know God Exists?

Apologetics is the study of, “Defense of the faith.”  Why should you read this and believe in these truth claims?

Resolution of Man

5 Christian Principles from Jonathan Edward’s Resolution

The greatest pastor theologian in American Puritanism, stimulator of the religious revival known as the “Great Awakening,” Jonathan Edwards penned these words the year of 1722 a resolution that he devoted himself to the aim for godliness and the glory of God.