20 Great Quotes about the Church
“The Church is the Church only when it exists for others.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
“The Church is the Church only when it exists for others.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer
What’s wrong with the world today? Where is God in the midst of pain? Could we justify God in the midst of evil?
How can we continue on with faith in the life of anxiety when things seem uncertain? What are some ways to trust in our God in the midst of the storm?
If my church ceased to exist today, would the community be impacted by its lack of presence for we loved our neighbors so well?
One day our life will flash before our eyes, let’s make sure it’s worth watching.
The doctrine of hell is one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian faith for many people.
“He is not here,” tells them that their search is a vain one; no more should they look in a tomb for Jesus. “He has been raised,” where the passive points to the truth that the Father raised his Son.
Edwards has exercised influence through his voluminous writings, through a school of disciples known as the “New England Theologians”, and through the evangelical and neo-orthodoxy movements during the 19th and 20th century.
Can spiritual disciplines turn Christians into simply doing a checklist of rules? Or are these tasks weighing down Christians with unnecessary guilt?
The fundamental question that our 21st century evangelical churches must ask is this; If we could have everything in this world, yet Christ is not there, can we be satisfied?
The perspective of Christian mind once again is to rediscover the truth of scripture, critical thinking that is led by the Spirit, and identifying the various ways the secular world value and practice have creeped into the church.
Apologetics is the study of, “Defense of the faith.” Why should you read this and believe in these truth claims?
The greatest pastor theologian in American Puritanism, stimulator of the religious revival known as the “Great Awakening,” Jonathan Edwards penned these words the year of 1722 a resolution that he devoted himself to the aim for godliness and the glory of God.
For quantity doesn’t always correspond to quality, especially on the Internet. However, sometimes, articles that have a broad readership indicate that a powerful idea or formative truth has been shared.
What shall I render to you for the gift of gifts, your own dear Son? Herein is wonder of wonders: he came below to raise me above, was born like me that I might become like him.
As we even celebrate the 500th year of Protestant Reformation with Martin Luther, which has influenced Protestants since the 16th-century hated the New Testament book of James so much that he wanted it completely OUT of the Bible as it seemed to contradict the doctrine of Sola Fide (Latin: by faith alone).
In the book of James, the solution to interpersonal conflict is shockingly vertical.
Today living in the 21st century, we live in a culture where it is no surprise that all entertainment platform is encouraged and empower their users to allow any filthy language, nudity, violence, and other mature content from movies and TV series.
Huffington Post writes, “Porn sites has more regular traffics compared to Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined all together each month.”
This is a shocking reality. These are not angry fundamentalist conservative Christians but secular culture coming up with these statistics.
The Contemporary gospel is an American cultural artifact, namely, you can become a Christian and not follow Jesus, discipleship is optional.
Normally we think of Salvation as that which is most significant. Truth of the matter is, the Bible’s view of salvation makes no sense, in fact, it is built on previous grounding ultimately on the doctrine of creation. Without creation, the planet of God with salvation doesn’t make sense at all.
“I love Jesus but I don’t like the church. I will never leave Jesus but I’m done with the church” people who make such a statement are walking away from Jesus.
In this fallen world even people in a very complex, postmodern world are desperately hungry to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to step it up. We need to toughen up and take this job seriously. We need to be ready to suffer for the gospel. We need to be motivated by this stewardship that we have been entrusted. We are to run this race well.
We must know the sheer glory and goodness of what our Father has given us in Jesus Christ. To know Jesus in truth and love is to find the one thing worth finding, the one lasting happiness, the purpose of life, true contentment. It is about the greatness of God, not the significance of man. God made man small and the universe big to say something about himself.