How NOT to Worship in Church
Is worship simply singing? Is worship the music in the background? Or is it something we do only Sunday morning?
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
Is worship simply singing? Is worship the music in the background? Or is it something we do only Sunday morning?
I begin to ask these fundamental questions; What is a Christian? What does discipleship mean? How does one live this out if they are not a pastor?
Tricking ourselves of engaging in discipleship by simply talking about it has forsaken the mission and purpose as a church.
Choosing the right system for the right type of leadership is crucial.
God has designed our souls to be satisfied in worshiping Him.
Ministry is not easy, and I don’t think it will ever be easy.
“The Church is the Church only when it exists for others.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Discipleship is more about transformation than information. For dumping information doesn’t produce transformation.
Conflict at cost is visible everywhere. In light of this, Christians are to be the salt and the light of Jesus by promoting the gospel of peace by not only believing the gospel but living the gospel.
When the Word of God dominates your life, your praise is regulated, and your worship is conformed to the divine standard. (Colossians 3:16)
August 19, 2013, began like any other Monday at Uptown Baptist Church in Chicago, USA. No one knew it would become a day marked by tragedy.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer even said it well, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
They say it takes a village to raise a child. The Bible shows us it takes a church to grow a Christian.
Discipleship is not simply staffed by elite paid clergy by the few for the few. Instead, it is God’s call for all the saints (priesthood of believers) to biblically counsel and disciple all.
God is unimpressed by human speed. Go deep, not just wide. Grow members, not just numbers. Serve your successor, not just yourself.
This has changed my life and I hope with my whole heart that it will change yours.
Their whole mission was nearly useless if they didn’t spread it and multiply it.
Today living in the 21st century, we live in a culture where it is no surprise that all entertainment platform is encouraged and empower their users to allow any filthy language, nudity, violence, and other mature content from movies and TV series.
The word “toxic” comes from the German “toxikon” which means “arrow poison”. In a literal sense, the term in its original form thus means to kill (poison) in a targeted way (arrow).
Discipleship is simply this; Disciples are called to know Christ, grow with Christ, and go for Christ.
My time in seminary was perhaps one of my sweetest moments yet a hardest time of my life. But seminary didn’t teach me everything. It certainly didn’t fully prepare me for ministry.
We want to do church, but we don’t want to live Christ. We can only change when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.
“I love Jesus but I don’t like the church. I will never leave Jesus but I’m done with the church” people who make such a statement are walking away from Jesus.
In this fallen world even people in a very complex, postmodern world are desperately hungry to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to step it up. We need to toughen up and take this job seriously. We need to be ready to suffer for the gospel. We need to be motivated by this stewardship that we have been entrusted. We are to run this race well.