How NOT to Worship in Church
Is worship simply singing? Is worship the music in the background? Or is it something we do only Sunday morning?
The personal site of Jonathan Hayashi
Is worship simply singing? Is worship the music in the background? Or is it something we do only Sunday morning?
Thanksgiving Day is the excellent time to remind each another of the many reasons there are so much to be grateful.
“What we cannot obtain by solitary prayer we may by social…because where our individual strength fails, there union and concord are effectual.” – Chrysostom
Tricking ourselves of engaging in discipleship by simply talking about it has forsaken the mission and purpose as a church.
Choosing the right system for the right type of leadership is crucial.
God has designed our souls to be satisfied in worshiping Him.
There must be a genuine sense of grief and sorrow over the sin that was committed.
Ministry is not easy, and I don’t think it will ever be easy.
“The Church is the Church only when it exists for others.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Conflict at cost is visible everywhere. In light of this, Christians are to be the salt and the light of Jesus by promoting the gospel of peace by not only believing the gospel but living the gospel.
Millennials represent the largest generation in America’s history with almost 80 million members. However, only 15% of millennials are Christians.
If my church ceased to exist today, would the community be impacted by its lack of presence for we loved our neighbors so well?
When the Word of God dominates your life, your praise is regulated, and your worship is conformed to the divine standard. (Colossians 3:16)
The first twelve disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit and commissioned by Jesus, transformed the whole world.
Edwards has exercised influence through his voluminous writings, through a school of disciples known as the “New England Theologians”, and through the evangelical and neo-orthodoxy movements during the 19th and 20th century.
Can spiritual disciplines turn Christians into simply doing a checklist of rules? Or are these tasks weighing down Christians with unnecessary guilt?
August 19, 2013, began like any other Monday at Uptown Baptist Church in Chicago, USA. No one knew it would become a day marked by tragedy.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer even said it well, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
They say it takes a village to raise a child. The Bible shows us it takes a church to grow a Christian.
The perspective of Christian mind once again is to rediscover the truth of scripture, critical thinking that is led by the Spirit, and identifying the various ways the secular world value and practice have creeped into the church.
The word “Christian” does not mean “one who admires Christ,” nor “the recipient of Christ’s blessings,” nor even “one who believes in Christ.”
Apologetics is the study of, “Defense of the faith.” Why should you read this and believe in these truth claims?
For quantity doesn’t always correspond to quality, especially on the Internet. However, sometimes, articles that have a broad readership indicate that a powerful idea or formative truth has been shared.
Discipleship is not simply staffed by elite paid clergy by the few for the few. Instead, it is God’s call for all the saints (priesthood of believers) to biblically counsel and disciple all.